4 Signs It’s Time for New Turf Grass for Your NSW Home

Premium-quality grass can last for years when placed and maintained correctly. While its lush colours are stunning when first planted, they may fade over time. You must recognize the warning signs of turf grass replacement to maintain a healthy and appealing outdoor space. Here, Hunter turf Co. NSW will outline the many benefits of a new turf and advise when it’s time to replace your old turf grass.

Benefits of Replacing Your Old Turf with New

Easier Maintenance

You no longer need to worry about mowing your lawn or tending to other grass maintenance chores as much as before when you get a new grass turf.

Drought Resistance

Many regions of Australia are susceptible to droughts at different times of the year. When replacing your turf, ensure it is drought-resistant, so it stays green all year round.

Natural Air Conditioning

Turf grass cools itself and its surrounding environment naturally. This means your household can improve energy efficiency and decrease energy costs with a new turf.

Personal Enjoyment

Having a natural lawn can increase a home’s resale value and liveability, reduce stress and promote relaxation and serenity. Maintaining a lush green lawn is gratifying, as is caring for any living thing. A freshly mowed lawn has several advantages, one of which is the satisfaction one feels simply by gazing at neat landscaping.

Signs That it’s Time to Replace Your Turf Bald Patches

1. Bald Patches

An empty patch of dirt in your yard may indicate that you have to replace your grass completely. Reseeding your grass can sometimes restore the grass; if there are too many bare patches, however, replacing the grass with something you like better may be the preferred option.

2. Poor Drainage

Walk barefoot over your grass and observe the reaction. Is it too squishy for your liking? Drainage issues may be the cause of this. Aerating your grass is the first step to improving water drainage and oxygenation. If aeration fails, inadequate drainage can cause lasting damage to your lawn. This is sometimes an indication that you need to start over with new turf.

3. Constant Maintenance

It’s time for a new lawn if it is thin, patchy and requires a lot of watering, fertilising and maintenance. Therefore, replacing it is often more economical than trying to preserve it.

4. Brown Spots

Similar to the bald patches explained above, it may be time to replace your turf if it has developed spots of dead, brown, or dying turf.

Get Your Turf Supplies from the Hunter Turf Co. Turf Farm

Hunter Turf Co. is famous for offering high-quality turf supplies at a reasonable price. Visit our website to see our grass turfs and contact us online if you need a new turf Newcastle. From the highest quality grass to the most affordable ones on our turf farm, we have something to suit every need.

If you have any questions about taking care of your high-quality lawn, feel free to call us on 0477 058 873 or contact us online.